Install xcode command line tools high sierra install#
For 10.13.6, Xcode 10.1 is the last supported version xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use 'Software Update' to install updates Software Update shows no updates are available.For 10.13.2, Xcode 9.4.1 is the last supported version.Step 2 Installing Xcode’s Command Line Tools. In Homebrew, there are formulae packages to directly install from its core public repository. When the Xcode 7.0 - 10.x section of the Wikipedia page is checked, it can be seen that the quote above is not (entirely) correct, depending upon which version of High Sierra you have installed: Now that you have the Terminal running, let’s install some additional tools that Homebrew needs. It’s really legendary to get the power of using the latest and updated version of software on your Mac device. However, once 9.4.1 is installed upon 10.13.6, then there is an update offered for the CLT on the AppStore to version 10.1, Homebrew, the missing package manager for macOS, allows you to easily install hundreds of open-source tools. Looks like for 10.13.6 you'll need Xcode 9.4.1 Step 1: Install Homebrew and the Command Line Tools. To check if command line tools are installed run: xcode-select -version // if installed you will see the below with the version found in your system // xcode-select version 1234. has a good summary of compatibility versions.

As it doesn't appear to have been mentioned in the existing answers/comments, for completeness, the last version of Xcode to run on High Sierra (macOS 10.13.2) is version 9.4.1, but on macOS 10.13.6 the last supported version of Xcode is version 10.1įrom Xcode want install on high Sierra 10.13.6: